How Visible Is Your Travel Technology Company?

Written by Vanessa Horwell | Sep 6, 2018 8:13:53 PM

What does it take for travel technology companies to develop winning sales strategies with B2B PR, visibility and smarter marketing?

It starts with going beyond superficial press releases and getting down to what truly matters to your airline and travel brand prospects – solving their business problems and creating new revenue and loyalty opportunities.

We created a new eBook – “How Visible Is Your Travel Technology Company: Develop Winning Strategies with B2B PR, Visibility & Smarter Marketing” – to help your travel technology company drive tangible business results like fresh leads, warmer prospects and media coverage that shapes opinion.


 In this eBook, you will see ThinkInk’s integrated PR approach at work through the stories of clients just like you…

  • How we helped one travel technology company translate “software as a service” into “account-based marketing.”
  • The strategies we used to help a mobile technology company in a high-growth phase expand into new travel verticals and multiple global regions, while expanding its portfolio of products and solutions.
  • Why a well-known company in the legacy airline industry turned to us on the heels of a corporate restructuring and product and brand overhaul.


Here is a brief excerpt from the eBook which provides actionable insight for travel technology companies…

“B2B marketing in any form – blogs, whitepapers, sales collateral, webinars, contributed articles for trade and media publications – should be clear, compelling and truly relevant to industry challenges. Content should be tied to business metrics and KPIs such as leads, conversions and sales. You have to speak hard truths in engaging ways and in the language of your buyers – that’s how you build credibility.”

Download the eBook now and get in touch with us to discuss your PR and visibility needs as a B2B travel technology company.